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This is the Cañadillas's brothers personal documentation site (see our about). We write publicly, but mainly for ourselves. We do this as to document several things that we do.

We're Spanish, but we also speak English. That's why it's possible that you see an interesting mix of articles written in both languages. We apologize in advance if that's an inconvenience for you!

The Site

This site is written with Mkdocs and uses Mkdocs Material as well as several plugins. We try to follow the publishing best practices published there.

Docs general layout

mkdocs.yml          # The configuration file, not to be touched frequently            # This home page document
    img/            # Images for all the articles/docs go here
    hobbies/        # Hobbies related docs (music, paper modelism,
    programming/    # The place for all things programming, including setting
                      up environments for coding and scripting languages.
    sysadmin/       # Systems administration, Linux, Mac OS X...
    iot/            # All things IoT: MCUs, SBCs and related stuff.
    technology/     # General technology category suited for specific things
                      that do not fit in any of the previous categories.

Want to contribute?

We're more that happy to accept you changes, corrections, improvements or additions to our docs. Just open a merge request into the corresponding Gitlab project and we'll merge it into the main branch.